Dewayne Smithers - DS Poet - Motivational Speaker
Bible teacher & youth minister 


Dewayne Smithers is a gifted teacher of the Bible. He is a Licensed Minister with a B.A in Communication from Eastern Kentucky University and a Two Year Degree in Biblical Studies from Family Worship Center. He served as a Youth Pastor for two years at Unity Worship Center. He is a World Class Poet & Hip Hop Artist. 


Flawsome Mentorship Program

Learn about Dewayne’s six-week mentorship program designed to help individuals conquer mental and emotional barriers that may be holding them back.

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My Experience

Dewayne Smithers is a gifted teacher of the Bible. He is a Licensed Minister with a B.A in Communication from Eastern Kentucky University and a Two Year Degree in Biblical Studies from Family Worship Center. He served as a Youth Pastor for two years at Unity Worship Center. He is a World Class Poet & Hip Hop Artist. 

Since becoming a Christian, he has used his speaking and teaching gifts to share the light of the Gospel at Church Conferences and youth and college events across the globe.

Put a Bible in his hand and a message in His heart and you’ll see why many enjoy the simplicity of the way he teaches the Word of God with a clear understanding. He equips believers through Bible Studies, teaching videos, hip-hop, and spoken word.

He is now available for Sunday morning sermons, Christian Conferences, concerts, and youth & Young adult events.

Flawesome Mentorship Program
Mentorship Program


Welcome to my Flawesome Mentorship Program for youth and youth adults.

This is a six-week program for each person. We talk once a week through Zoom or FaceTime. Each session is one hour long one on one. Everything discussed is fully confidential unless it’s a life or death situation. Each person will get my full attention to help them conquer mental and emotional barriers that may be holding them back. I wish I had someone like me as a mentor in my teens and twenties. If I did, my life would be much better and further along. Let me you to become a better you. If you are under 18, we will need your parent’s or guardians’ permission.

Mentorship Program Price Option 1:
  • $180 for the six-week session, once a week.
  • The price must be paid upfront.
Mentorship Program Price Option 2:
  • $35 per one-hour session.
  • The price must be paid before the session start.
Thank you for your interest in my Flawesome Mentorship Program.

Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.

Fill out the contact form below.



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