Bible teacher & youth minister
Dewayne Smithers is a gifted teacher of the Bible. He is a Licensed Minister with a B.A in Communication from Eastern Kentucky University and a Two Year Degree in Biblical Studies from Family Worship Center. He served as a Youth Pastor for two years at Unity Worship Center. He is a World Class Poet & Hip Hop Artist.
Flawsome Mentorship Program
Learn about Dewayne’s six-week mentorship program designed to help individuals conquer mental and emotional barriers that may be holding them back.
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My Experience
Dewayne Smithers is a gifted teacher of the Bible. He is a Licensed Minister with a B.A in Communication from Eastern Kentucky University and a Two Year Degree in Biblical Studies from Family Worship Center. He served as a Youth Pastor for two years at Unity Worship Center. He is a World Class Poet & Hip Hop Artist.
Since becoming a Christian, he has used his speaking and teaching gifts to share the light of the Gospel at Church Conferences and youth and college events across the globe.
Put a Bible in his hand and a message in His heart and you’ll see why many enjoy the simplicity of the way he teaches the Word of God with a clear understanding. He equips believers through Bible Studies, teaching videos, hip-hop, and spoken word.
He is now available for Sunday morning sermons, Christian Conferences, concerts, and youth & Young adult events.

Mentorship Program
Welcome to my Flawesome Mentorship Program for youth and youth adults.
This is a six-week program for each person. We talk once a week through Zoom or FaceTime. Each session is one hour long one on one. Everything discussed is fully confidential unless it’s a life or death situation. Each person will get my full attention to help them conquer mental and emotional barriers that may be holding them back. I wish I had someone like me as a mentor in my teens and twenties. If I did, my life would be much better and further along. Let me you to become a better you. If you are under 18, we will need your parent’s or guardians’ permission.
Mentorship Program Price Option 1:
- $180 for the six-week session, once a week.
- The price must be paid upfront.
Mentorship Program Price Option 2:
- $35 per one-hour session.
- The price must be paid before the session start.
Thank you for your interest in my Flawesome Mentorship Program.
Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.